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Find a Person

Use full or partial name(s), addresses, email addresses etc. to search for faculty and staff.

-- ext.

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More search responses. Results are generated when any or all of your fields are matched.
Find an Organizational Unit

Use full or partial department names, addresses, email addresses etc. to search for faculties, administrative units, and university services.

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Fewer search responses. Results are generated only when all of your fields are matched.
More search responses. Results are generated when any or all of your fields are matched.

Dial 911 For Emergencies (Police, Fire or Ambulance)

In an emergency, dial 911 from any phone on any UBC campus for police, fire or ambulance response. A list of other emergency and non-emergency numbers for UBC's Vancouver and Okanagan campuses is also available.


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Terms of Use:

This online directory is the exclusive property of University of British Columbia. It may be used by the UBC community and the general public to search for the contact information of UBC personnel. Any unauthorized use of this information, including its compilation and redistribution, and bulk email activity (spam) is strictly prohibited.

Add / Update Your Contact Information - The information in the directory has been prepared from the best information obtainable; UBC does not assume responsibility for omissions, errors, or subsequent changes to this information.